Freya Divine Set

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Freya Divine Set

In the beginning of time, war was the dominant form of each living creature of the iMU world. Everyone was fighting to survive and were governed by the will to protect their precious land. During this time, almost every parcel of green land was fought for until that land turned into fields of dust. It is known that war does not have only physical repercussions but spiritual ones also, and war was the reason Valley of Loren turned into a valley of desert.

One of the many battles held against Kundun, was held here when Surtr came to defend the city of Lorencia. He had a very special asset by his side, and that was Lady Divine. She was also known as Freya Divine. Freya meant lady in warrior language. In the gray field of battle, she always stand up with her rose-colored armor. She used to wear a strong set with silk and veil finishes. She also had an affinity for accessories and always knew what type to wear and when. Now she had her favorite necklace, big, shiny and strong that fitted perfectly with the veil details of her armor.

She, played a very important role in her husband’s great battles. She was taught in the arts of seidhr and could have foreseen the paths of the future so that she could prepare his husband for battles. She could also change the outcome of that path if needed. Knowing what will happen, and having the possibility to change the course of the future, way before it happened, was always a reason tmen fought for her, in those times. She had many suitors and many more conflicts had started because of her, that could have turned into wars.

Being part of her husband’s council she participated in every discussion so that she could know his tactics. Knowing all there is to know about her enemy, she needed to do her magic in order for her husband to win. Kundun was a great warrior with a great and diverse army, and could not be defeated with no plan. That’s why her presence was an asset for her husband and their brave warriors.

Just before the battle, she returned to her hut, and started preparing her magic mix, the one that helps her fall into a deep sleep, where she can do her magic. Whenever she was in this deep sleep, she felt like she held the puppet’s threads. She only needed to tie knots in order for her plan to work. The dried mushrooms that she put on top of the fire started to release their gray smoke, and she could feel their effect, already. She needed to hurry up with the mix she was making, before the mushrooms could take effect, otherwise, her sleep would have been too deep to work. Leaning on her back, she took the mix of plants under her tongue and started sucking on them bit by bit, while she inhaled more of the mushroom smoke. The air tasted sweet and soon, the heavy rumble that was taking place outside was replaced by a sound of flowing water. She started to feel how her body was turning heavy while her soul felt like lifting itself up, being attracted by that flowing water’s sound. He could not see, for the moment, but she felt the big, heavy presence of a fog. A god so dense that invades your pores and creates tiny drops of dew on your skin. She lifted up her arms, making swirls of disperse clouds under her movements, trying to reach something or someone, but she didn’t. Instead, she started playing with her fingers like she was playing a distorted piano. She moved her fingers in such a manner that made them from another dimension. Sometimes they were big and slim, other times they turned into thumbs. Sometimes her fingers stopped, grouped and sent some of the fog toward her mouth, eating the fog that turned into tiny clouds. She had no expression while doing this. Her fingers kept moving then grouping so that she could send the fog cloud to her mouth. She did this various times until her expression changed. She was having a large grin on her face now. After a second, the fog’s color changed from white to red. A velvet red that could drip beads of blood. They were all grouping into a small thread of water that collected itself in an oval bowl shape situated at her feet. She dipped the top of her fingers into that red dye, rose up her palms and licked them one by one until her big grin turned red. Then she opened her big white glassy eyes that started to scream on a very high note that caused her skin to break, shatter and dissolve while everything turned black.

After a few seconds she started to feel a tingling sensation in her extremities and she knew she was back inside her body. She opened her eyes lightly and lifted herself, carefully, in a standing position. She took two tiny rolled bars in her mouth and started chewing them while she was massaging her forehead. While doing that she felt the presence of her husband in the left corner of her hut. He was waiting patiently for her to wake up so that she could tell him what she had done. She approached him, took his face into her palms, looked him in the eyes and smiled. She only assured him that if he will follow her path, they will win and Kundun will be defeated and cast away.

The battle was a success, as she foretold. And Freya Divine was once more known as a fierce and determined warrior that works against evil.

Set Parts and Options

The Freya Divine set is a Season 1 Set and consist of Helm, Armor, Pants, Gloves, Boots, Pendant of Wind and Celestial Bow. The set can be worn by Muse Elf. However, the bow is destined for High Elves.

Ancient Options Excellent Full Options

Increases Minimum Damage +125
Increases Maximum Damage +125
Increases Stamina Recover Rate +125
Increase damage when using two handed weapons +30%
Increases Skill Attacking Rate + 125
Decreases opponent’s defence rating +60%
Increases Critical Damage Rate 80%
Increases Excellent Damage Rate 80%
Double Damage Rate 80%

Increase Max HP +4%
Increase Max Mana +4%
Damage Decrease +4%
Reflect Damage +5%
Defense Success Rate +10%
Increases Zen After Monster +40%

Set Parts Details


  • You will need to wear 5 parts of the set, with ancient feature, in order to unlock the full ancient options.
  • The Helm and Gloves from Uber Freya do not contain ancient feature. They can be acquired with Full Excellent options by request when donating for Uber Freya Divine set or with Credits or Gold Credits from InfinityMu’s Web Shop.
  • The set does not sustain pink options. Check additional options for information regarding yellow options.
  • The full excellent options are available only for the Uber Excellent Freya Divine set.
  • Ancient Freya Divine items only come with the ancient options.


Freya aquisition.png

The Uber Freya Divine Set can be bought from Web Shop at

Also, the set’s parts can be acquired from Web Shop with Credits or Gold Credits. They can be bought non excellent, with only the desired excellent options, full excellent options or just ancient.

In game, the Excellent Divine parts drop from Box of Kundun +2 . The Ancient Freya Divine parts drop from Kundun and the monsters in Land of Trials. Both Ancient and Excellent parts can be made Semi Uber by adding the necessary jewels. You can check How to make Semi Uber sets if you need any additional information about this process.

- article edited on 19th of March, 2019