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==== [https://www.infinitymu.net/rankings/chaos-castle-ranking Chaos Castle] ====
==== [https://www.infinitymu.net/rankings/chaos-castle-ranking Chaos Castle] ====
This is monthly ranking for Chaos Castle Event.
This is monthly ranking for Chaos Castle Event.

Revision as of 19:32, 18 February 2020


Like every other game with ranking system, InfinityMU offers her own ranking system.
in that system you can find the Top players of the server, and even follow your own ranking progress.

The Rankings

Top Players

List of the top 100 players with most resets and the highest level on the server
The rank can be orderd by class or by all classes. 898123556.png

Top Guilds

List of the top 100 guilds in the server with thier Guild Master Name, Guild Score, and the Members count.
To be in this list you must win Guild wars and earn points.

Top Voters

This is monthly ranking for the most active Voters on our server.
At the end of every month, the players who have submitted at least 300 Votes in this ranking will receive a special bonus of 5,000 Credits for our WebShop, and one Random Uber Set for the winner in first place!

For Uber Item rewards please join another awesome monthly event: Check our Forum and enter the Top Lucky Voters Event every month.


You can earn IMES By Joining and winning In-game Events such as PVP events or NON-PVP Events,and Monthly Big Events.

Top Grand Reset

Top Battle Event

This is 3 Months PVP Ranking.
Every 3-Months Prize: Top 1 Player will receive $50.00 in items (e.g. Uber Set Tier-1, Uber Weapon Tier1/Tier2, Uber Accessories Rings/Pendants) by choice except Tier-2 Set/Achievements/GuildBuff and place in Hall of Fame!
Top 2 & Top 3 players shall receive $25.00 in items, achievements or gold credits by their choice.
Consolation prizes: consolations are calculated in this order: if you have 7 wins, you will receive 7,000 Gold Credits for the webshop unless you are in the top 3.

For more info enter here Battle Event.

Top Draconite Monsters Hunters

(Top Erohim Hunters, Top Hellmaine Hunters, Top Lemulia Hunters, Top Ancalagon Hunters).

This is yearly ranking for Draconite Hunter Event.
This ranking system is determined by Point System.
Every Erohim,Lemulia,Hellmaine,Ancalagon raid boss kill contributes you +1 Erohim Loot Point to this ranking, bonus 50 Credits for the WebShop and Package of Credits at the end of the year.

(+) Bonus Credits Package will be given in the end of every year for Top 10 in the above Ranking based on scheme below

Yearly Reward Scheme:
Top 1~5: 30,000 Gold Credits.
Top 6~10: 15,000 Gold Credits.

Top Duelers

List of the Top 100 Duelers at the server.
Orderd by most Wins.
for more info enter here Duel System.

Devil Square

This is monthly ranking for Devil Square Event.
This ranking system is determined by Point System.
Every Score reached in Devil Square contributes you points to this monthly ranking, bonus of 25 Gold Credits for the WebShop and Package of Credits at the end of the month.

(+) Bonus Credits Package will be given in the end of every month for Top 10 in the above Ranking based on scheme below:

Monthly Reward Scheme:
Top 1~5: 3,000 Gold Credits.
Top 6~10: 1,500 Gold Credits.

Blood Castle

This is monthly ranking for Blood Castle Event.
This ranking system is determined by Point System.
Every Blood Castle win contributes you +1 Blood Point to the monthly ranking, bonus 50 Gold Credits for the WebShop and Package of Credits at the end of the month.

(+) Bonus Gold Credits Package will be given in the end of every month for Top 20 in the above Ranking based on scheme below:

Monthly Reward Scheme:
Top 10: 5,000 Gold Credits.
Top 11-20: 2,500 Gold Credits.

Chaos Castle

This is monthly ranking for Chaos Castle Event.
This ranking system is determined by Point System.
Every Chaos Castle win (survival) contributes you +1 Chaos Point and bonus of 50 Gold Credits for the WebShop! and Package of Gold Credits at the end of the month.

(+) Bonus Credits Package will be given in the end of every month for Top 20 in the above Ranking based on scheme below:

Monthly Reward Scheme:
Top 10: 5,000 Gold Credits.
Top 11-20: 2,500 Gold Credits.

Golden Archer

Banned Players

Game Masters List

Top Monthly Resets