Castle Siege 9999X Server

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Siege rwd.png

Have you ever wondered what was so special about the renowned Castle Siege event and couldn’t participate because you have no information about it? Well, this article is exactly what you need to read if you find yourself in that dilemma.

The newbie CS guide is here to initiate you in the Castle Siege event tactics so that you won’t lose yourself among all those infinitians during the event.

First things first, let us familiarize with some of the Castle Siege basic information:

When and Where is the event taking place?

Castle Siege Event takes place once per week, every Saturday between 9:00pm - 11:00pm (UTC+08:00) (Philippines). The event takes place in Valley of Loren, Server 5.

Who is participating?

There are two types of guilds during this event. The Offensive and the Defending teams.

The Offensive Team
Cs basics 03.jpg Cs basics 05.jpg

The Defending Team
Cs basics 04.jpg Cs basics 06.jpg

Symbol Description

The Offensive Team have a red glowing icon that’s similar to a sword. The GM of the Offensive has a more complex icon, with two swords.


The Defendants have a blue glowing icon in shape of a Shield. The GM of the Defenants has a more complex shield icon, also with a blue glowing effect.

What are the Defendant Team doing?

They protect the castle, preventing the attackers to take the switch (you probably heard “I will be a switcher” in your guild) and/or seal. At the beginning of the event, they are already inside the Castle, preparing to defend.

What are the Offensive Team doing?

They try to take on the switchers so that the Main Guild Master of the Ally could seal. At the beginning of the event, they are in Valley of Loren, the citadel area, where they are attacking the statues in order to gain access inside the castle.


The statues that need to be destroyed

The main entrance in the Castle

What is the "Switch"?


The Switches are the two elements situated in the lower right and left corner of the Castle. They are in the center of a square marked on the pavement of the castle. In order for you to switch you need to stay inside the square and click on the switch.

What is the "Seal"?


The seal is the action that the main Guild Master(GM) of the Ally takes in order to Register its official Seal, by clicking on the pedestal. In order for the GM to succeed on the sealing, the two Switches have to be held by guild or ally members.

If you are a GM and want to participate in this event you should know these:

  • All participating guilds must have a Guild Master that is at least Level 200 or higher (no Class restrictions)
  • All guilds participant in Castle Siege have to have at least 20 players
  • The main GM of the ally registers the Sign of Lord (SOL) in order to register to Castle Siege event. Sign of Lord can be found in any map with monsters. The SOLs drop rate is higher in Land of Trial.
    * You can always check on the event schedule by pressing F1 in game or wiki page:

Castle siege Schedule InfinityMU.NET03.png

    * The first three Allies that get as much SOLs registered as they can, will be participating in the Castle Siege event. Check out the Castle Siege statistics page.

The Sign of Lord that you need to register

The Guardsman that registers your SOLs

If you are a regular player and want to participate in Castle Siege, you should know this:

General information:

Customized information:

Special Castle Siege Skills

What can you win by being a Castle Owner?