Game Client Issues

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Configure Windows 'Memory Integrity' to OFF

(!) Open start menu and type in the search Core Isolation and then put the Memory integrity setting to off and then you shouldn't get any LiveGuard errors and game should run just fine!

You can check out how to turn off Memory Integrity from HERE.

InfinityMU Client / Launcher Troubleshooting

If you have problems starting the game, please make sure you have the following software updates for your computer:

[Download Visual C++ Redistributable 2015] (Required drivers from Microsoft to run most applications like our game client)

Resolving all problems with InfinityMU Launcher

[Download .NET Framework 4.8] (For Windows 10/11 to resolve InfinityMU Launcher starting problem)

[Download .NET Framework 4.5.2] (For Windows 7/8.1 to resolve InfinityMU Launcher starting problem)

Make sure your Windows has the latest updates installed

Check for available Windows Updates.

Select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update , and then select Check for updates. If updates are available, install them.

After the installation is complete, please restart your computer.

Avast/Avira/DrWeb/360 total security Antiviruses Troubleshooting

(!) In case you are using Avast, Avira, DrWeb or 360 Total Security antiviruses please make sure you have added the InfinityMU client folder into the Exceptions list of your antivirus software.

Should you require further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected] or Submit a Ticket via website.