Damage Colors

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A summarized version of what the different color damages represent. Note you won't always see all these colors unless certain requirements are filled such as the Blue damage which you'll only see if you or the person hitting you has Dark Lord critical buff.

Orange: this is the color of Regular Damage. - This damage depends on how strong our Character is.

Blue:: this color shows the Critical Damage. - This can be more higher when our sets, weapons or wing has Luck that give additional 5% critical damage per item and also when you have additional Critical damage buff by a Lord Emperor or Dark Lord.

Green:: this color stands for Excellent Damage. - This damage will show if we are wearing an item that has "Excellent Damage 10%" or we can also have this damage through some ancient items.

Purple:: presents the Reflect Damage. - We can have this reflect when we are wearing an item that has " Reflect Damage 5%" this shows when someone attacks us, and his damage will reflect to him.

Cyan:: this color shows the Ignore Damage. - This Damage shows when we are wearing a Wing that has "Ignore opponent's defensive power by 5%".

Olive:: it is the SD Damage. - This shows the damage that will be decrease in our SD.

Red:: refers to the Regular Damage to you made by others.- Depends on your defense and how strong the person is attacking you.

Light Green:: refers to the - You can see this when you where poison by an MG, WIZ or some monster and when you are decayed by a WIZ.

This guide was created via information obtained from InfinityMU forums lead moderator Enzo.

--Kinggrimm (talk) 14:50, 25 May 2013 (EEST)